Issues and Reporting for US Ex-Pats Living Abroad (Part 1)

Program Overview

May 21, 2024 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm| Webinar

Hosted by Los Angeles
Cosponsor Sacramento Valley

Speaker   David Woods, EA, USTCP



The Los Angeles Chapter in conjunction with  the Sacramento Valley Chapter is excited to bring you a two-part webinar event! The first part of this seminar will discuss the reporting mechanisms for taxpayers in the US who reside outside the US, what to look for and how to handle. It will also discuss the potential hazards and issues for US citizens who live outside the US and what opportunities and problems they might encounter.

Learning Objectives 

1. Discuss the concepts of foreign earned income exclusion and tax home.
2. Learn the tax treaty exceptions and reporting.
3. Review the informational reporting requirements for US citizens abroad regarding their responsibilities.
4. Learn about opportunities to minimize tax while outside the US but also pitfalls associated with it as well.
5. Compare US reporting with California rules regarding residence and domicile.

 Learning Level   Intermediate

Prerequisites & Advance  Preparation      None

Continuing Education

IRS: 2 hours Federal Tax Topics   |   CTEC: 2 hours Federal Tax Topics    |   CA Bar:  1.75 hours Taxation Law  |   CPA CA: 2 hours Taxes


Member: $24.95   |   Non-Member: $49.95

Webinar Details

After registering, everything you need for attending this webinar will be found in Your Learning Center.

Cancellation/Refund Policies

Please contact the host chapter at for refund/cancellation policies related to this event.

5/21/2024 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

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